Saturday, September 21, 2013

Harry Potter: Book 5: The Order of the Phoenix

            Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, by J.K. Rowling, is, in my opinion, the worst Harry Potter book.  It was very repetitive and not very engaging.  Plus, my second favorite character dies at the end.  And it's not Fred or George, because they are one character.  The movie, however, was the best movie.  It's weird how that happens.

            As you can tell, I didn't like this book very much.  Even though it has the funniest jokes in it, but that doesn't make up for the lack of anything interesting going on.  The entire book is just Harry is stupid, Harry gets in trouble, Harry is stupid, Harry gets in trouble.  And that goes on and on for entire book.  He even does it in the last chapter!  Why is he so stupid!  Also Fred and George do something with what Harry gave them at the end of the last book.  And they are awesome.

            Like in every book, they get a new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, and this one was appointed by the ministry to keep Harry and Dumbledore quiet about Voldemort.  Harry sneaks into her office so much, that she reinforced her door, a lot.  Harry also uses the Room of Requirement to host illegal activities called "a group of more than three people studying and practicing Defense against the Dark Arts spells," or Dumbledore's Army for short.  If you think that this is so well thought out that they never get caught, you are wrong.  One of the members tells the new teacher.  Thanks, thanks a lot.  Malfoy also catches Harry single handedly by tripping him with his foot, no magic, just a foot.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Harry Potter: Book 4: The Goblet of Fire

            Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, by J.K. Rowling, is the fourth edition to the Harry Potter series.  In this book, three schools attempt a competition that was last done over two hundred years ago, and was tradition back then.  It is no longer done because of how many deaths it has caused.  Harry must face a mean new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, new spells that are illegal, and maybe a new creature.  Harry faces many people that don't like him or want to ruin his name, but he must power through it.

            I would like to make Crouch Jr. more important.  He was just introduced and then he's gone.  I would like for Crouch Jr. to be someone that was in another book before this.  If J.K. Rowling introduced him earlier in the series then it would fine, but he leaves never to return the same scene that he's introduced.  He is an amazing character with a great background story that was super important for like two seconds and he could have been important for a lot longer.  If he was just in the book for longer or if he was in a battle the book would have been way better.  I hate it; Crouch Jr. could have been an amazing storyline person for the whole series, but he wasn't.

            I like this book and it was an okay movie, but I was never really excited to pick it back up.  If you think it was great, then that's what you think, but I was just reading it to get the story instead of just reading for fun.  This is probably the most important book in terms of story for the series.  I won't spoil anything, but near the end is the thing that everyone knew was going to happen eventually.  Also, Fred and George are awesome in this book, they're just awesome.  They are selling things that they make that are popular, and the things that they make are things that I want/need.  They're even more awesome in the next book.