If I could change one thing I wouldn't
change anything important to the story, just a minor detail. I would change how Harry feels about finding
horcruxes. He just doesn't seem to care
that much about finding one. When he
finds one, he's just like "Okay, cool," but he should be like
"Yes! One more down!" His reactions are under-exaggerated and he
seems like a robot. He is looking for
things that can kill the most dangerous wizard alive and he doesn't seem to
care much.
I like this book a lot, except for
that one detail. It was well thought out
and was very engaging. It was a very good
book and it is a very good ending to the series. I recommend it to anyone that has read all of
the other books. If you haven't read all of the other books, you can still
read it, it just won't make as much sense and you probably won't like it as